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Posted by Sarah Brown on 29 Jun '19

A brief history of modern management thinking - a video timeline

Here is a quick video look at the last 150 years of management thinking from time and motion to triple bottom line and beyond

I suspect most of you will recognise the majority of these management theories.

The one that intrigued me was based on work in a South Yorkshire coal mine – you can find out more about it here.

Many management systems are very prescriptive and claim to know the best way, but the ROC is not like that.

ROC is different because it is more about integration and recognises that, like everything, it is a work in progress.

Find out more about creating a responsible organisation here.

You can read more about how it was developed and why it works

5 compelling reasons why the wheel of success runs faster when you commit to an ethical business

Values can make you more profitable

Why ethical business is no longer something nice to do but not for us
