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Posted by Bob Brown on 24 Apr '14

Any cows come up to you recently and offered their milk?

As the old saying says "If you want milk, don't sit on a stool in the middle of a field in the hope that the cow will back up to you" - you need to take action

This saying comes from "Screw It, Let's do It, Lessons in Life" by Richard Branson. The book is a quick read and can be read in a day and is full of good stuff including the old saying about the cow which so fits with our ethos of "take action".

I loved the image and it sums up how some people act, expecting others to make the first move even if they themselves will be the beneficiary. Sometimes I feel like the cow when I am trying to buy something, I'm expected to do all the work and when I get it wrong metaphorically and kick the bucket over spilling the milk then the company is annoyed and even 'punishes' me with additional charges even if it is just to call their helpline. A classic example has been budget airlines though they are beginning to change.

I am now looking at my life and reviewing in which areas I am waiting for cows to reverse towards me - so I can take action. Have you got any cows you're waiting for?

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