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Posted by Sarah Brown on 28 Jun '23

Are your organisation's values working?

Five easy questions to ask to establish if your company values are working

5 easy questions to find out

The easy way to know if your organisational values are working is to ask the following five questions:

1 Does everyone who comes in contact with your organisation get treated consistently? If not, it may be some staff don’t understand how your values translate into actions or don’t follow them

2 Do your staff think they are treated fairly, or does it depend on the manager or who you ask? Organisations with strong values are judged by their staff to be fairer, and consequently, staff are happier and more engaged

3 Do staff tend to use their initiative or wait for guidance? Organisations with clear values which people understand will have staff who are confident to act because they know what they should do in any circumstance because of the organisational values

4 Are there stories people share about how you have exemplified your values? What people tell stories about illustrates what they think is important and helps everyone to feel part of ‘this is how we do things around here’. The stories will reflect the organisation's real values – these may not be the official ones!

5 Can you measure the success of your values? We always look for clear indicators that the values and their associated behaviours are being followed—these are also brilliant for marketing.

Here are more blogs which may interest you if your organisational values and culture are important to you

Are shared values either realistic or achievable?

How treating staff well could solve the UK’s productivity crisis and what staff want

Why you need to rank your values

Our work with values is part of the support that we give leaders. Ffind out more about how we can help you create a values-led culture here

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