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Posted by Sarah Brown on 18 Aug '12

Being positive

As bad news takes the headlines after the Olympics I've just been inspired by a great play about how one man changed the lives of so many

I confess that I have been feeling a bit low this week. I think it is the fact that instead of inspirational stories about how athletes have overcome the odds to compete and sometimes win, the news and media has gone back to its normal diet of negativism. Talking to others they have felt the same, it's obviously also that the 17 day party has also ended but I do miss finding positive stories when I pick up a newspaper.

So on Thursday as we sat down finally to watch some late TV it wasa wonderful surprise to come across on BBC2, a play based on true life "The Best of Men" about the origins of the Paralympics. It made us laugh and certainly made me cry, don't know about Bob, it was wonderful and it really is worth watching.

What was so inspirational was that one man, Dr Ludwig Guttmann, fought against conventional belief to change the world of so many, he believed that men who had been written off as 'cripples' could lead full and meaningful lives and not just wait to die. His was tough love, with a willingness to go the extra mile to achieve and fulfill his passion and vision. He saw men rather than any injuries that they had, and he changed the medical establishment eventually! I do wonder whether the wider world has caught up and sees the people rather than the disability - is that one of the reasons why some people with 'locked in' syndrome want to die, not because of their limitations but how they feel they are perceived.

I think we can all learn from this great play, particularly the message - focus on what you can do rather than what you can't, everyone has things they can't do, focus on the positive and let's keep the Olympic spirit going. Let's see half full glasses rather than half empty.

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