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Posted by Sarah Brown on 25 Jun '13
Better Decision Making

The last few weeks have been wonderful, partly because I had a great trip to the Norwegian Fjords, but mainly because I have been reading two books by Chip and Dan Heath and they have both been thought provoking and inspirational.
Decisive prompted me to create a new tool the Decision Improver(c) which we now use with clients.
In summary the decision making process they discuss WRAP has the following stages:
1 Widen your options
Ask if you can do this and that consider multiple things at one time, get options from your competition, best practice, ideas that have worked for you in the past.
2 Reality test your assumptions
Particularly with new services and products the acid test is 'will someone pay for it?' - market research is not the same. Actively look for people who disagree and be open to their ideas. Ego is a danger in decision making - there are scary statistics about takeovers in the book.
3 Attain distance
When we are too close to things we get emotional and often we have short term emotion - will it really matter in 10 years time? What are your core values - make sure your decisions fit with them
4 Prepare to be wrong
Decisions often don't have to be irrevocable, put in some checkpoints along the way when you can change direction. Prepare for amazing success or failure and think about ranges of results - talking to clients about revenue targets I encourage a realistic goal, a bottom end target and high end target to get a feeling of scale.
Just using these simple ideas has improved my decision making, made me think and made me less scared about making the wrong decision .
Tags: entrepreneur charity goal setting social enterprise strategic development inspiration business planning action decision making