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Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Aug '23

Five lessons from my holidays

It's almost the beginning of the new school year. I'd like to have a new pencil case and be able to write an essay for my teacher about what I did over the summer, so this is my equivalent. I suggest you do the same, as this renews my zest for what I do and lets me revisit what I have enjoyed and learned.

It may be too good to be true

This gull must have thought it had found a fantastic nesting place and proceeded to lay 3 eggs. This was in the Lofoten islands in Norway.

Unfortunately, it was close to an outdoor seating area for an art gallery, and I worried a lot about when the chicks hatched.

The lesson: It can be helpful to ask why hasn't another bird snapped up this prime location

Anywhere can be an opportunity

Many people live in flats and small houses in Norway, so there are numerous parks and places with play and sports equipment. This is a photo of a basketball net on a post in a small car park in a residential area where there is a viewing point over the city of Trondheim. I suspect it is needed for tourists and coaches but is often empty, so why not use the space to provide something to do?

The lesson: Be open-minded and think about the positives and how else something could be used

Collaborating to change the world

On the same trip in Trondheim, I noticed shared composting bins at the ends of blocks of tiny flats. It is good for the environment and an obvious extension of having waste bins.

The lesson: Collaboration can make things viable and possible that would only work with it.

Know your market and why they like you

We went to the Hope Show this bank holiday Monday as an end-of-holiday treat. It was very relaxed, good value and designed for people who like the country, animals and for farmers. As well as interesting displays, it had stalls that reflected this, hence us immediately taking the opportunity to buy Bob a hat that matched his top. No wonder it has been going for so many years and is so popular. The timetable and plan in the guide weren't entirely correct. There were many announcements to encourage competitors who needed to arrive on time or to find lost judges, but that reflected the feel.

The lesson: It's more important to be true to your character and style that people who choose you like than to strive for perfection or efficiency unless this is what your market wants.

A picture really can tell all

I took this photo in Alesund in Norway - witty and practical and does not require anyone to understand Norwegian.

The lesson: Do something visual to stand out

I love learning from other countries or places I visit. Here are a few other blogs you might enjoy reflecting on what I have learned from around the world

Seeing opportunities rather than problems

Lessons from my holiday

Technology v people - playing to their strengths

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