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Posted by Sarah Brown on 23 Mar '15

Getting better at sales and growth by collaboration are the priorities for 2015

The results of our business growth survey shows that most people have a simple view of growth - sell more.

60% of companies put getting better at sales as their priority for growth according to the results of inspire2aspire’s 2015 business growth survey. This is supported by the fact that almost 50% see sales training as the main training need for their business.

Marketing is almost as important a training need as sales, and the main frustration businesses have with their marketing is their website with over 40% frustrated that it isn’t working as a marketing tool and over a third feeling they waste time on social media which they are not sure is working.

The research undertaken mainly at the Doncaster Showcase with over 50 companies taking part also shows that the main strategy for growth is collaboration rather than growing organically.

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