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Posted by Sarah Brown on 25 Mar '14

Getting creative to generate new enthusiasm and inspiration

Developing exciting ideas for new projects can be really inspirational when an organisation is feeling under stress

Last week, I had a great meeting with a music-based social enterprise. They have been very successful in generating income and managing to keep going even though they need over £300,000 a year. They have little funding and want to move to total independence from funding. The manager is tired from the struggle and doesn't even realise what an amazing job she has done, generating so much money to keep going. Sometimes, people are so close to what they are doing they fail to recognise how much they have achieved.

Our meeting, which came from an introduction from an accountant who specialises in charities and social enterprises, was just an initial meeting of one hour. As ever, I explained that as an ideas inspirer, I guarantee to come up with at least one good idea which can be written in the space provided on my business card - that, in fact, was the first idea for the social enterprise - have a business card with space for people to write on.

Then we started to talk and the ideas started to flow - confidential I'm afraid - but in one hour we came up with a great idea, she was revitalised and totally inspired and sees a really exciting and positive way forward. I captured the ideas on a mindmap which I sent her after the meeting.

Afterwards she wrote me an email...

"it was really great to meet you today. You really are an inspiration and l thoroughly enjoyed talking to you. The layout you sent me is brilliant. I love it. What a brilliant way for capturing ideas. Thank you so much for your inspiration today"

A music social enterprise

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