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Posted by Sarah Brown on 17 Apr '15
Have you really visualised your goals to inspire people or have you just set a profit target?

A new financial year means new goals and new inspiration. Have you got them in place? Or have you just set some financial goals?
I love this time of the year with the daffodils, the tulips and the promise of the sunshine.
It’s also a new financial year, an opportunity to put last year behind you and make plans for the new year. Despite the budgeting and planning done in lots of organisations often there are not clear goals or if there are, they are limited to financial targets.
To maximise your success this year you need inspirational goals whether you are a sole trader, a multi-national or a charity. The more concrete these goals are the more effective they will be.
We will have ecstatic customers whose lives will have been changed by the new premium service we are launching which will give them total peace of mind. We will know this is the case because of the feedback we will get and the way our customers recommend us to others
Example inspirational goal
Imagine this as a goal, not only is it inspiring but it also prompts various actions – you need ways of getting feedback, ways for customers to recommend and share how great you are, maybe ways for them to feedback on specific staff.
If you aren’t launching a new premium service maybe you should be as research shows 20% of customers like to buy a premium product. So maybe your goal can be the development of that service and how it will change lives.
Our premium service, for example, is helping organisations maximise their growth across every aspect of the Responsible Organisation Charter(c), as we know this has multiple benefits from staff and customer retention to higher profits and more innovation. We can work in specific areas such as marketing but we know we have most impact when we work holistically.
How can you maximise your impact?