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Posted by Sarah Brown on 27 Jun '17

How to create a business full of super heroes

A business for success needs a corporate culture which creates super heroes that over achieve for customers and the team

As a business grows and recruits the danger can be that the corporate culture doesn’t not reflect the original values and vision of the founders. A business for success needs a corporate culture which creates super heroes that over achieve for customers and the team

Everyone in a business needs to know what will make them a super hero and what will make them a villain and it is critical that that this is consistent across the organisation.

The way to achieve this is to have clear values that are more than words, values that translate into behaviour.

Can you and your staff rank your values and explain what each means in terms of behaviour?

“We believe in x which means that we always y”

The impact of getting this right will not only be great customer service, a wonderful reputation and glowing reviews, but also happy staff, higher staff retention and an organisation which attracts people who want to be super heroes with you.

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