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Posted by Sarah Brown on 19 Jun '12
Inspiration from JCI
Bob and I have just got back from the JCI European conference in Braunschweig in Germany. It was a wonderful conference with 2,500 (mainly) young people from Europe and beyond coming together to have a great time and think about ways to change the world.
The UK delegation were inspirational for their enthusiasm, energy and their style in wearing Union Jacks. It was infectious, on the last night everyone whatever their nationality wanted to be waving the Union Jack and to be part of the fun. With such members JCI UK can only go from strength to strength. And while it was about fun, it was also with purpose, the mankini!! raised lots of money to buy nets to protect people from malaria.
The German organisation and planning was exceptional and they did their sponsors proud. Information about the conference and the sponsors was on posters at bus stops, across trams and on flags across the city as well as lots of chances to sample everything from the drinks to the vehicles made by the various sponsors.
One of my favourite moments was the tour of the town in an old tram at night, we went on it to see the sites, but it was so full it steamed up so you could see very little, but all through the journey we sang – not well, but enthusiastically – a great atmosphere of people who start as strangers and end as friends.
Anyone under 40 who doesn’t think about joining JCI to have such an experience is really missing out, it was great to be there!