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Posted by Sarah Brown on 09 Jul '12

Investment and Contract Readiness Accredited Support Provider

Approved as one of the first accredited support providers for charities and social enterprises wanting to be investment and contract ready

We are really excited and honoured to win accreditation as a support provider for social ventures wanting to develop new products and services or to grow their organisation through more investment. With thirty years’ experience in new product development (NPD) inspire2aspire has a strong background in creative idea generation and has developed numerous feasibility studies and business plans to help organisations expand and develop stronger business models.

We are working with Barber, Harrison and Platt who are leading accountants working with the sector and experienced in preparing organisations for investment. Together it'll be great if we can help organisations expand and develop exciting new ways of meeting the needs of the people they serve, while ensuring that it is done in a way that is sustainable in the long term.

Organisations can bid for up to £150K and we hope to work with some organisations to get applications in before the end of July.
