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Posted by Sarah Brown on 08 Oct '12

Make it Happen Monday, Happened

Make It Happen Monday launched in South Yorkshire and everyone went away inspired and energised, with clear actions to take their businesses forward.

So it happened, we made it happen, 20 people came together in a room at 9 o’clock in the morning not very high in energy but had made it there, and then it all happened.

We got energy, we got inspired by each other, by learning together, sharing issues, ‘realising we’re not alone’, refocusing, seeing the opportunities and the answers – it was great. I was chosen as an expert to talk about marketing and then there was a really practical talk about sales by Roger Green, the CarFinder, which had everyone taking notes and most people adding things to their action list.

I ended the morning with four clear actions and a buddy, a dinner date (don’t tell Bob) and feeling really energised and excited to get out there and make it happen.Obviously it will only work if I actually act but as one of my actions was to do a weekly blog this is the start.

How was your Monday? If it wasn’t inspirational then come along next month. I’ll certainly be there, I’m already looking forward to it and looking forward to reporting back on having fulfilled my actions! The next Make It Happen Monday is on 12th November book on www.makeithappenmonday.biz
