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Every day is a school day

Learning is critical for on-going success and a fulfilled life.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 18 Jun '21 | Tags: charity entrepreneur marketing social enterprise inspiration goal setting values strategic development responsible organisation charter coaching business planning collaboration innovation tools 21st century business business success csr socent growth aspiration local authority feasibility study creative think tank corporate culture vision

How did Edison light the world - a little known fact and a huge goal

Thomas Edison set the goal of lighting the world so he not only had to invent a great light bulb but he had to ensure there would be electricity to power it.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 11 Oct '13 | Tags: goal setting entrepreneur inspiration aspiration charity social enterprise

Focus on action

Action without focus is what the headless chicken is famous for, focus and goals linked to action make you unstoppable

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 May '13 | Tags: entrepreneur goal setting social enterprise inspiration tools aspiration action

How understanding people is critical to business success

If we don't understand how and why people change then how can we attract new customers? I've just finished reading Switch by Chip and Dan Heath it was great, with some really powerful examples of how to help people change, make decisions and bring about change in organisations or even countries.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 17 May '13 | Tags: entrepreneur goal setting social enterprise strategic development marketing inspiration aspiration

3 things young people want

Researching with young people last week their top 3 requests were somewhere safe and interesting to be to keep them off the streets, activities for them not shared with adults, and active and interesting stuff to do not just hanging around.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 25 Feb '13 | Tags: charity tools goal setting creative think tank aspiration

An unexpected tale

Inspiration can happen at the most unexpected moments, listening to a tale about a rich Chinese man on holiday has had a lasting impact.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 23 Jan '13 | Tags: aspiration inspiration goal setting travel

An opportunity to learn how to build more legs for your marketing platform

More businesses will be getting together to inspire each other on the 12th November. They'll also be listening to me speak about how to develop a strong marketing platform without spending a fortune

Posted by Sarah Brown on 26 Oct '12 | Tags: marketing entrepreneur inspiration aspiration strategic development mihm

Make it Happen Monday, Happened

Make It Happen Monday launched in South Yorkshire and everyone went away inspired and energised, with clear actions to take their businesses forward.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 08 Oct '12 | Tags: inspiration goal setting aspiration marketing mihm

Being positive

As bad news takes the headlines after the Olympics I've just been inspired by a great play about how one man changed the lives of so many

Posted by Sarah Brown on 18 Aug '12 | Tags: inspiration aspiration goal setting

Who is going to inspire us the most over the next 17 days? Getting high on new inspiration

The Olympics is about inspiration, each time it is held the individual stories are what make it special, so it would be great to discover who inspires people this time

Posted by Sarah Brown on 27 Jul '12 | Tags: inspiration aspiration goal setting