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Five ways to respond positively to the budget

As I have sat this morning listening to people, particularly in business, talking about the record tax burden, I thought it might be helpful to share some positive ideas about coping with increased staff costs and also how to help with the ambition to get the UK economy growing. For charities, there are ideas about how some of the budget tax rises might help you raise funds, and for CICs, a suggestion is to consider their legal structure. I'd also like to share some practical ways to address issues raised by the increase in employer's National Insurance if it will affect your organisation.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Oct '24 | Tags: collaboration innovation cic charity staff engagement

Our five top tools to make your fundraising efforts more effective

I have worked with charities facing funding crises since the early 1990s and have developed a set of unique tools to help identify ways that charities can attract more money. I know that, unfortunately, in a crisis, it can be tempting to chase money and ignore your values and vision, leading to failure.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 07 Oct '24 | Tags: creative think tank tools charity goal setting

Let's make sure we are part of the solution, not the problem

The UK economy is not growing, and UK tax income needs to rise enough to provide the money required to support everything we need, such as the NHS, social care, housing, education, and addressing inequality.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 30 Nov '23 | Tags: values environment charity corporate culture

Be really clear about what you offer

How a clear Theory of Change is critical for success whatever type of organisation you are

Posted by Sarah Brown on 04 Aug '23 | Tags: values charity socent business corporate culture

What is ESG and five reasons it matters even if you are a charity

First, let me introduce you to ESG -if you want more detail, please email sarah@inspire2aspire.co.uk to get our ebook. ESG - the details and relevance to charities and social enterprises The term ESG was officially coined in 2004 with the publication of the UN Global Compact Initiative's "Who Cares Wins” report. But for me, I only heard the phrase when my next-door neighbour said it was her job to help companies calculate it for their cars!

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Jul '23 | Tags: governance social impact charity

Thinking outside the box - Recession: threat or opportunity

In this third blog about thriving in challenging times, whatever type of organisation you are, I want to think about what is the key to success in any organisation. Whether you are a one-woman band or a global corporation, a charity, social enterprise or business, the people involved are critical.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 21 Feb '23 | Tags: charity success public sector socent business

When you grow up do you want to be a business, a social enterprise or a charity?

What is the difference between a business that wants to change the world, a charity that wants to change the world and a social enterprise and who decides which is which? Easy in terms of the legal charity status - after that it gets complex.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 08 Dec '22 | Tags: entrepreneur social enterprise public sector charity cic

An idea to help smaller charities

Charities rely on grants or people's donations. Since the first Charity Act in 1604, charities have been regulated to ensure people can trust they are using the money wisely and as intended. Complying with the law and the charity governance code and doing good work is challenging for small charities run totally by volunteers.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 26 Oct '22 | Tags: charity governance code charity

Ten potential reasons to set up a separate trading subsidiary

I have been encouraging charities to think more entrepreneurially for over 30 years. If you generate income rather than rely on grants or donations, you have control of your destiny.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 04 Mar '22 | Tags: collaboration charity social enterprise socent

Top ten tips about how to get the most from your trustees

A strong board of trustees is a powerful part of any successful charity. Here are ten tips based on my experience about how to get the most from your trustees.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 26 Jan '22 | Tags: charity trustees

20 ways to use a free retail unit

Lots of shops are now available for charities to use free of charge but don't just think charity shop, there are lots of other ways to use a retail space.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 20 Aug '21 | Tags: charity ideas

Every day is a school day

Learning is critical for on-going success and a fulfilled life.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 18 Jun '21 | Tags: charity entrepreneur marketing social enterprise inspiration goal setting values strategic development responsible organisation charter coaching business planning collaboration innovation tools 21st century business business success csr socent growth aspiration local authority feasibility study creative think tank corporate culture vision

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