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Five reasons a coaching session might be what you need

I've been coached and have also coached many people and continue to do so. These are the five powerful reasons to have a coaching session.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 17 May '22 | Tags: coaching strategy

Every day is a school day

Learning is critical for on-going success and a fulfilled life.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 18 Jun '21 | Tags: charity entrepreneur marketing social enterprise inspiration goal setting values strategic development responsible organisation charter coaching business planning collaboration innovation tools 21st century business business success csr socent growth aspiration local authority feasibility study creative think tank corporate culture vision

Yorkshire really is the best county to do business in

As we celebrate Yorkshire Day today let's step into the future to understand why Yorkshire is the best place for business in the 21st century when sustainable business success is based on more than profit

Posted by Sarah Brown on 09 May '18 | Tags: innovation inspiration coaching

Have you got too many ideas and options?

Choosing the right way forward can feel hard but there are some things you can do to help with the decision making

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Jan '18 | Tags: coaching goal setting strategic development decision making

If you want 2018 to be a successful year read this

The four steps to translating your goals into successful results

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Dec '17 | Tags: coaching goal setting

Is running a business easier than driving?

Why is it that we know we need a driving expert to teach us to drive but don't think we need a business adviser or coach when we want to learn to run our own business?

Posted by Sarah Brown on 14 Sept '17 | Tags: coaching business success

9 steps to achieving your goals in 2017

How to turn vision and goals into action and results with nine easy steps

Posted by Sarah Brown on 17 Jan '17 | Tags: action coaching goals

Infographic - The top 5 attributes of a good business coach

A summary of the top five things to look for in a good business coach.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 01 Mar '16 | Tags: coaching

The science to help you achieve your goals in 2016

How the latest science research can help you achieve your new year’s resolutions so that you make 2016 your best year ever and how coaching can make it even better.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 10 Jan '16 | Tags: goal setting coaching

Are business people so much better than sports people that they don't need coaching?

Successful sports people use coaches not only as they are getting started but to refine their skills when they are winning so that they keep ahead.

Posted by Bob Brown on 26 Aug '14 | Tags: coaching entrepreneur

How coaching keeps you motivated on the roller coaster of life

Some weeks give me a chance to benefit from my coaching and keep on going. “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Edison

Posted by Sarah Brown on 04 Nov '12 | Tags: coaching entrepreneur inspiration

Make it Happen Monday

A great new monthly session to get a new infusion of energy and ideas. Every 2nd Monday of the Month we will be holding a Make It Happen session for 3 hours in Sheffield to let people share ideas, learn from others and get inspired.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 12 Sept '12 | Tags: entrepreneur social enterprise goal setting inspiration coaching mihm

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