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Our five top tools to make your fundraising efforts more effective

I have worked with charities facing funding crises since the early 1990s and have developed a set of unique tools to help identify ways that charities can attract more money. I know that, unfortunately, in a crisis, it can be tempting to chase money and ignore your values and vision, leading to failure.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 07 Oct '24 | Tags: creative think tank tools charity goal setting

Recession: threat or opportunity .. plan for success

As promised, I am following up on my blog Recession: Threat or Opportunity. My focus this time is uncertainty and planning to be successful.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 29 Dec '22 | Tags: business planning goal setting

Every day is a school day

Learning is critical for on-going success and a fulfilled life.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 18 Jun '21 | Tags: charity entrepreneur marketing social enterprise inspiration goal setting values strategic development responsible organisation charter coaching business planning collaboration innovation tools 21st century business business success csr socent growth aspiration local authority feasibility study creative think tank corporate culture vision

Ten top psychology tips to help you achieve your goals in 2021

Tips on how to achieve what you want in 2021.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Dec '20 | Tags: goal setting

Do you really know what is working?

Good leaders are action focused and have a sense of urgency, but it is critical that they have clear goals, track and measure the results achieved to ensure the action will take them forward.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 08 May '18 | Tags: goal setting focus on action leadership

Have you got too many ideas and options?

Choosing the right way forward can feel hard but there are some things you can do to help with the decision making

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Jan '18 | Tags: coaching goal setting strategic development decision making

If you want 2018 to be a successful year read this

The four steps to translating your goals into successful results

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Dec '17 | Tags: coaching goal setting

Creating a winning team for Euro 2016

Teams can only win if they know their objectives and each person knows their role.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 09 Jun '16 | Tags: staff engagement team working goal setting

5 tips on getting the website of your dreams

Five tips based on our experience to help you through the process of finding and working with a web designer

Posted by Sarah Brown on 27 Apr '16 | Tags: marketing goal setting strategy

The science to help you achieve your goals in 2016

How the latest science research can help you achieve your new year’s resolutions so that you make 2016 your best year ever and how coaching can make it even better.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 10 Jan '16 | Tags: goal setting coaching

The six steps to successful growth

The six steps an organisation needs to take to develop a successful strategy with an infographic

Posted by Bob Brown on 21 Sept '15 | Tags: strategic development goal setting growth

Why no one talks about exhibiting anymore and 54 ways to prove them wrong

How to make exhibitions work for you

Posted by Sarah Brown on 28 Aug '15 | Tags: marketing goal setting

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