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Are you on the right bus route?

Life is a journey, whether in personal or organisational terms. When choosing the right organisations, consider legal structure decisions as selecting the best "vehicle" to achieve your vision. It's like deciding how you want to travel. (You can learn more about legal structures here.) This analogy can also help you consider how you actually undertake the journey.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 27 Aug '24 | Tags: governance strategy vision

What is ESG and five reasons it matters even if you are a charity

First, let me introduce you to ESG -if you want more detail, please email sarah@inspire2aspire.co.uk to get our ebook. ESG - the details and relevance to charities and social enterprises The term ESG was officially coined in 2004 with the publication of the UN Global Compact Initiative's "Who Cares Wins” report. But for me, I only heard the phrase when my next-door neighbour said it was her job to help companies calculate it for their cars!

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Jul '23 | Tags: governance social impact charity

Five reasons you need to read this

I was excited to share what I have learnt just back from holiday. Still, I am saving it for another blog to instead excite you about governance and why it is critical whether you are a business, a charity or even a prime minister. I never thought I would write that sentence, but I hope my five examples from the last fortnight convince you.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 27 Jun '23 | Tags: governance responsible organisation charter

Good charity governance - the highly tuned mechanisms that help you fulfil your purpose

What is good charity governance? I struggle to define governance, and many other people are the same. It puts people off from thinking about it or what would make governance good. But the news this week about The Captain Tom Foundation and Kids Company and their governance issues highlights its importance

Posted by Sarah Brown on 10 Feb '22 | Tags: governance charity governance code CIO