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What does "winning by being good" mean?

Everyone deserves to live their best life. I believe the key to this is "winning by being good". Every person, irrespective of their role within any organisation, has the potential to make a meaningful contribution. But what does winning by being good mean?

Posted by Sarah Brown on 30 Sept '24 | Tags: ROC responsible organisation charter values winning by being good

Five reasons you need to read this

I was excited to share what I have learnt just back from holiday. Still, I am saving it for another blog to instead excite you about governance and why it is critical whether you are a business, a charity or even a prime minister. I never thought I would write that sentence, but I hope my five examples from the last fortnight convince you.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 27 Jun '23 | Tags: governance responsible organisation charter

Every day is a school day

Learning is critical for on-going success and a fulfilled life.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 18 Jun '21 | Tags: charity entrepreneur marketing social enterprise inspiration goal setting values strategic development responsible organisation charter coaching business planning collaboration innovation tools 21st century business business success csr socent growth aspiration local authority feasibility study creative think tank corporate culture vision

Are you breeding scapegoats? Why you need a culture of pioneer learning.

Looking for scapegoats rather than learning when things go wrong can have serious consequences for business

Posted by Sarah Brown on 02 Nov '19 | Tags: responsible organisation charter corporate culture

What public bodies can do to avoid something like the Nottinghamshire child sex abuse scandal

Corporate culture is critical if the vulnerable are to be protected in cases like these

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Jul '19 | Tags: responsible organisation charter winning by being good

A brief history of modern management thinking - a video timeline

Here is a quick video look at the last 150 years of management thinking from time and motion to triple bottom line and beyond

Posted by Sarah Brown on 29 Jun '19 | Tags: responsible organisation charter strategy

Are you a social entrepreneur?

What makes a social entrepreneur and are you one? An inspirational case study of one world leading organisation set up by a social entrepreneur

Posted by Sarah Brown on 06 Jun '19 | Tags: responsible organisation charter social entrepreneur collaboration

Which sector is now the exemplar of being responsible?

Public distrust and scandals are now linked to every sector from politics to business to charities, we all need to be addressing how to act from responsibly if society is to thrive

Posted by Sarah Brown on 19 Feb '19 | Tags: charity responsible organisation charter inspiration

We're all responsible if we want a Great Britain

From responsible business to charities, social enterprises and individuals, the government's new Civil Society Strategy wants us all to get involved. Here is a summary of the main strands of the Strategy plus access to a responsible organisation blueprint.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 09 Aug '18 | Tags: collaboration responsible organisation charter charity socent

The buck stops with trustees - 3 ways to avoid disaster

As a Sheffield and South Yorkshire charity announces its sudden closure what trustees can do to avoid the unexpected in their own charities

Posted by Sarah Brown on 17 May '18 | Tags: charity responsible organisation charter trustees values

How a wheel became a ROC to support you in achieving your business goals

A diagnostic tool the ROC which can be a strong foundation for any organisation

Posted by Sarah Brown on 28 Feb '18 | Tags: responsible organisation charter 21st century business winning by being good

Do you want to run a good company?

Do you think business is about more than making money? What do you think makes a company good? Here are some of my ideas but I'd love to hear from you

Posted by Sarah Brown on 10 Aug '17 | Tags: growth business success responsible organisation charter csr

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