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How to reflect your values in how you sell

Whether you sell online or face to face your pricing and sales strategy is the most visible representation of your values. Get it right and you will sell more.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 28 Aug '20 | Tags: sales values

How to get new customers

How to get new customers as we come out of lockdown

Posted by Sarah Brown on 24 Jul '20 | Tags: marketing sales

Why it pays to be patient in networking

Networking at all levels is critical if you are to succeed but building relationships rarely happens over night so you need to be patient

Posted by Sarah Brown on 12 Oct '15 | Tags: marketing entrepreneur sales

How to stop people turning off when they hear what you do

How a lift statement or elevator pitch can increase the interest you get from people you meet, and simple steps to create one

Posted by Sarah Brown on 04 Aug '15 | Tags: sales marketing niche market

Using emotion to increase your sales

Emotional selling comes more naturally to many business owners.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 20 Mar '15 | Tags: sales training sales business

Do you know how you get sales?

Every business needs a sales funnel and needs to understand how it works. Modern technology can help but only if you have a clear strategy and method.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 10 Sept '14 | Tags: entrepreneur marketing tools sales

Do you listen enough?

The days of the hard sell are dead. Successful sales is about listening to customers and helping them understand how you meet their needs

Posted by Sarah Brown on 04 Mar '14 | Tags: entrepreneur sales communication