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Our five top tools to make your fundraising efforts more effective

I have worked with charities facing funding crises since the early 1990s and have developed a set of unique tools to help identify ways that charities can attract more money. I know that, unfortunately, in a crisis, it can be tempting to chase money and ignore your values and vision, leading to failure.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 07 Oct '24 | Tags: creative think tank tools charity goal setting

Seizing Opportunities - why SWOTs don't work

The first step for many strategies is a SWOT analysis but where does it really get you? It's a roundabout, not a motorway and it attracts negative thoughts.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 23 Sept '21 | Tags: strategy strategic development tools

Every day is a school day

Learning is critical for on-going success and a fulfilled life.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 18 Jun '21 | Tags: charity entrepreneur marketing social enterprise inspiration goal setting values strategic development responsible organisation charter coaching business planning collaboration innovation tools 21st century business business success csr socent growth aspiration local authority feasibility study creative think tank corporate culture vision

The Importance of a Marketing Strategy

You need a marketing strategy or you will waste money on tactics that aren't thought through

Posted by Sarah Brown on 03 Jun '20 | Tags: tools creative think tank marketing strategic development

Making Networking work for YOU!

A mindmap that summarises how to make the most from the 4N networking group.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 02 Feb '15 | Tags: marketing entrepreneur tools

Do you know how you get sales?

Every business needs a sales funnel and needs to understand how it works. Modern technology can help but only if you have a clear strategy and method.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 10 Sept '14 | Tags: entrepreneur marketing tools sales

Are you going on holiday - will there be a business to come back to?

Are you the type of business owner that can never go on holiday or let go if you do?

Posted by Bob Brown on 12 Aug '13 | Tags: entrepreneur tools time management solopreneur

Team development - what we can learn from sport

As the start of the new football season approaches and the transfer season is in full swing, what will make the difference between the successful and the unsuccessful team?

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 Jul '13 | Tags: entrepreneur tools team

Focus on action

Action without focus is what the headless chicken is famous for, focus and goals linked to action make you unstoppable

Posted by Sarah Brown on 31 May '13 | Tags: entrepreneur goal setting social enterprise inspiration tools aspiration action

3 things young people want

Researching with young people last week their top 3 requests were somewhere safe and interesting to be to keep them off the streets, activities for them not shared with adults, and active and interesting stuff to do not just hanging around.

Posted by Sarah Brown on 25 Feb '13 | Tags: charity tools goal setting creative think tank aspiration

Who runs your business?

Time management and controlling the calls on your time is a critical skill for business owners

Posted by Bob Brown on 23 May '11 | Tags: entrepreneur time management tools

The Collaboration Optimiser

The Collaboration Optimiser(c) can save months of wasted time on discussions that are going nowhere

Posted by Sarah Brown on 13 Jan '11 | Tags: tools entrepreneur collaboration time management marketing exit strategies