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Posted by Sarah Brown on 20 Mar '18
Which one page business plan do you prefer?

Whether you’re starting up or expanding, creating a plan is a critical step for getting your business on track. A clear business plan will outline your goals, how they can be achieved and what problems you should expect to meet along the way.
However, businesses often put off writing a plan due to the time and amount of information required to create one. If this sounds familiar, it could be time to consider creating a one page plan that suits your style.
We have our Inspirational Business Plan© which uses mind mapping software and appeals to both sides of the brain. As well as words you can add images, videos and sound files. It can be exported in a variety of formats including Gantt charts, word documents and powerpoint presentation. You can add detail to each area and it encourages creativity.
There is also the Business Model Canvas, which Swiss business theorist, author and consultant Alexander Osterwalder created. The Business Model Canvas can simplify the planning process into a one-page document. Using this visual tool, you can quickly create a plan that builds from your value proposition, allowing you to improve the focus and clarity of your business objectives.
Given its straightforward layout, the Business Model Canvas lends itself to an interactive group planning session. It is therefore a collaborative tool that can encourage discussion around your business’ direction.
Accounting software expert Sage has created a handy guide to the benefits offered by the Business Model Canvas. The visual includes useful tips on how to fill in the different sections of the template with relevant information for your company.
You can check out the guide below:

Tags: business planning inspiration