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Meet our clients
Free tools and resources available to download based on the issues you face.
When we find things people and organisations need help with we often come up with a business tool that can simplify the activity.
As a thank you for visiting our site and giving us your details we would like to give you one of our tools that we have used with 100’s of clients but we want you to have one that is really useful for you, so choose a topic and answer the following question to get a tool
Strategy and Growth
Someone asks you how your organisation is doing, do you say:
- I can’t work out what to do to take the organisation forward?
- I’m always worried about sales?
- My problem is I don’t have any clear direction or goals?
Issues for Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders
When someone asks you whether you enjoy running your business, do you say:
- It doesn’t always fulfil me?
- Actually I’m looking to get out?
- I seem to spend all my time working?
- Actually it's difficult because my partner and I live and work together so we never
seem to switch off?
Issues for charities and social enterprises
What is the most important issue facing your organisation at the moment?
- Lack of money?
- Pressure to merge/work with others?
- How to generate more income from sales of services rather than grants or funding?
We will regularly update the business tools and will let you know when new ones are available