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The Responsible Organisation Charter Audit
Take a snapshot of how you think you are doing against the 15 key areas for any organisation operating in the 21st century. The audit session will identify differences in perspective across the management team and provide an immediate action plan and areas to focus on to help the organisation grow.
The areas where you are strong can be capitalised on in your marketing and the areas where you are weak represent threats which need to be addressed or they will impact the profitable growth of the business. You will have an action plan and focus for the coming quarter.
Depending on what we find, we can continue with some of these sessions or help with other issues such as finding an identifiable market niche, innovative growth or creating a collaborative culture. The financial reasons for focusing on these areas are strong.
Working with us in the five key areas you will amongst other things:
- find it easier to recruit and retain staff and build a strong team and to feel that they really understand your values
- build a coherent corporate personality
- identify a niche which will give you competitive advantage
- speed up discussions about collaboration by months, and find great ways to grow
- get practical options and plans designed for you and your business so that they really get used not left in a drawer
Here is more to read with the evidence that being ethical in business makes you more successful:
5 compelling reasons why the wheel of success runs faster when you commit to an ethical business
Seven reasons to be good in business
Values can make you more profitable
Why ethical business is no longer something nice to do but not for us