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Strategic development, feasibility studies, business planning & funding bids

We can help at every stage from idea generation to funding and investment bids. If you've already got lots of ideas we can help you identify which are the ones to focus on. If you know what you want to do then we can develop a plan to make it happen. If you've got a plan we can translate it into something which will be suitable for funders or social investment.

Idea Generation

We can work with you if you are starting a charity or social enterprise to help you get the right legal structure and then to help develop your vision and ideas. We also work with established organisations that may need a rethink or some new ideas.

Having worked in over a 100 different sectors across business, public and third sectors we can offer a lot of different perspectives and we have a multitude of tools that we can bring together in a creative think tank session designed especially for you.

Testing ideas

Often we find organisations have lots of ideas and can't decide what to focus on. First, we can help with developing criteria for success and then once we have reduced the options we can test their feasibility in the real world. This is really important to do as it can save a lot of time and money and is part of the due diligence that a charity needs to undertake to ensure it is using funds appropriately. This case study illustrates how important a feasibility study was for a social enterprise.

Developing a plan

We have produced business plans for everything from a new charity to a £5 million charity building development. In each case we tailor them to the needs of the reader of the plan who is often a funder as well as making sure that they give you what you need - a road map to success.

Our plans include risk analysis and financial forecasts as well as the background information that justifies what you are doing to the charity commission or a potential funder.

Attracting funding or investment

We think about the financial viability at every stage from idea to plan so that attracting funding or investment is as easy as possible. The strategic work done in the earlier stages provides the evidence that funders require about viability and social impact so generally there is not a lot of new work that needs to be done to create a bid or document to attract investment. If you only need our support at this stage we can help you identify the case to put to funders and investors.

Give us a ring

What ever stage you are at we are happy to give you a free call so ring Sarah on 01709 810080 to pick her brains. We may be able to help with identifying funding to pay for our work.