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Posted by Sarah Brown on 18 May '17

Why would you do it for free?

Strong businesses are built on strong relationships and they require trust. Giving rather than constantly seeking to get will pay dividends in the long run.

We always provide a free session for people before we start working for them and we provide lots of free tools (you can download some here or click on the button to use our free digital tool about values).

i2a Portal

And people do things free for us, and I was describing this to someone and they said with incredulity ‘why would they do it for free?’.

Well over 26 years of running my own business I have probably spent months doing stuff for free and with one key influencer I have worked for over a decade and it is only this year that finally a discussion is leading to business. Assuming it works it will probably be the largest project I have ever worked on, and people may say I was lucky to get it. Yes, it just took 10 years, that’s lucky.

All business is about building relationships and trust and liking, do that and you will be successful but if you only ever do things for money how do you build that trust and relationship? If every time you contact someone it is to try to sell to them or get a donation if you are a charity, then how good will your relationship be?

The pleasure of giving is great in business and in your personal life and if you want to see a company that has grown huge on that ethos just look at Hubspot. So just think what have you done for free recently?

If you are interested in other reasons to be nice (some call it ethical) here are some blogs you might like to read

Seven reasons to be good in business

An unexpected tale

Three reasons to do good in business

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